Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bringing in 2011!

I'm always hoping for an awesome New Year celebration. However, usually the evening comes up short. Tonight, however, exceeded my expectations! I anticipated being bored by the festivities but, the Germans really know how to throw a party! I'm generally annoyed by DJ's of all forms and performers who attempt to interact with the crowd (Shhh... just sing, that's what we paid for.  You're not-so-witty comments are just that, not so witty!)  However, the Germans had a lot of entertainment! They had a band, a DJ, a light show and a fireworks display but the most important factor is that they kept you on your toes. It's totally acceptable here to shoot fireworks at people. Not just your friends but anyone. So, if you're walking down the street toward the main event/party and an 8 year old shoots a bottle rocket at you... that's totally normal. All night I was very aware of my surroundings because people were shooting things at me and I was scared! A. I didn't want to loose an eye. B. I don't want a hole burned in any of my clothing, C. I was really hoping these kids had some sort of supervision! It didn't seem like they did though! I wonder how many injuries there were last night?

Above is a video I recorded for your viewing pleasure! Happy New Year!! Please enjoy a German New Year vicariously through my iPhone camera!

1 comment:

  1. Haven't seen you since last year!!! HA! That joke never gets old to me. :) Hope you are still having a blast overseas. Left you an award on my blog too...
