Monday, February 10, 2014

Why Do We Rush Off of Planes?

Your flight just landed and you're taxing to the gate. Finally, the captain turns off the fasten seat belt sign and in half a second everyone on the plane is standing in the aisle, jammed in like sardines trying to get their carry on luggage out of the overhead bins. The flight crew has not even opened the door yet; What is this? The entire flight process has been this practiced dance of line after line where you wait your turn.  Then all of a sudden you have landed and it is a shameless free for all to get out of there. I don't know when I first observed this phenomenon but since noticing it, I can't seem to let it go.
Some of the people on your flight have about 15 minutes to make their connection. I think they should be allowed to get off of the flight first. You may have been in this situation yourself before and maybe you have even missed a connecting flight completely. You know it is not something you want to inflict upon your worst enemy! So, let's let these people get off first and get a running start to their next gate! They still may not make it but at least we gave them a fighting chance!

Some of your fellow travelers are returning home from some epic journey that is impossible to even fathom.  Perhaps they received the unfortunate call last night that a loved one is deathly ill. Maybe they are military members returning from down-range. Whatever the nature may be of their dire situation,  they should go next!

Then there are the screaming, restless children  - get them out of there!!  Mom is probably traveling with so much stuff that she had to spread it out amongst several overhead bins. It's going to take her a  moment to get it all gathered as she wrangles her herd of rambunctious children. Give them some space. Mom is ready to get home, kids are ready to get off of the plane and all other passengers are ready to be out of earshot of those little punks angels. It's a win/win situation to let them disembark next.
Then the majority of us, the people who are in no particular rush other than the fact that we would appreciate more than 2 square feet of personal space,  maybe then we should get off of the plane.

I believe this rushed debarkation has something to do with "group think"( that psychological phenomenon where people do what everyone else is doing simply because it is what everyone else is doing)! It is mindless following and we are all culprits.   We all stand up hastily after landing because that's what everyone else is doing so surely that's what we should do too.

I vote we reverse the tide! When one or two people calmly stay seated on the plane and wait, more and more people start following suit. Let's be the change we wish to see in the world people! If you don't have to be out of there in a hurry, hold on a minute! I'm not saying stay around all day;  everyone wants out of there and I'm sure the flight crew wants us gone too, but we should all slow down and be mindful of the situations going on around us!

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