Thursday, January 16, 2014

I'm back...

I had great intentions when this blog was created of updating friends and family,  as well as internet trolls and voyers,  on my travels and adventures.  I successfully blogged for about 3 months of what would become a 3 year chapter in my life. I suppose at about the 3 month mark it stopped being a trip for me and started being my life. I got busy, my social life kicked into full swing, I was working more, traveling more, spending more time drinking wine and having coffee with friends. Blogging just fell by the wayside. You guys missed a lot in my life as I missed much in yours. I forgot to blog about some really important people and places. I did some extensive traveling throughout Europe of course, but more importantly I found out a lot about myself and grew a great deal.

Blogging served a great role for me at the beginning. It kept me from having to tell the same story over and over to different friends and family. I could just direct everyone to my blog for details of my latest adventure. In hindsight, I wish I was able to keep it up. You see, I hate the phone. Making phone calls for me is like taking a trip to the dentist, I just really do not want to. If I can minimize that in my life, I will. And I have (maybe too much). My aversion to phone calls and the fact that I moved myself 5,000 miles away has really estranged me from friends and family back home. Actually, I haven't even had a phone for the last year. Though a bit frustrating at times, it's been very liberating.

So now I'm back in the US. My employment contract ended and I moved home. I have no car, no phone, I'm staying with mom and dad, my life is slowly arriving by mail (18 boxes are en route).  I'm in my hometown where I know very few people (read: I know a lot of people but more in the way that I get their updates on Facebook though I have not had an actual conversation with them in quite some time). I'm just temporarily here though. I'm home for a few months then moving to Japan (don't act so shocked, you knew I was bound to do something crazy). I'm in a transitional phase. 

So that's my life in a nutshell right now. I've decided to blog a little while I have the time. I'm constantly thinking "I should blog that" so now I guess I will.

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