Friday, January 17, 2014

My Carry-On Travel Essentials

I was never a girl scout but I do pride myself on always being prepared. When it comes to airplane travel, I have a well rehearsed routine for packing my carry-on bag. Too much in your carry-on is a burden. Underpacking your carry-on can lead to spending unnecessary money in one of the airport shops because you either forgot something or you did not bring along enough stuff to keep you occupied.

This is my tried and true carry-on packing list:

Health and Beauty: 
  • Lip Balm/Chapstick
  • Moisturizer
  • Makeup Basics (foundation, blush, mascara)
  • Facial Wipes
  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste
  • Glasses/Contacts
*Keep it simple. Unless I am traveling for business purposes I generally board the flight with next to no make up on. The dry, recirculated air does strange things to make up and skin. Just before landing, I take a trip to the restroom with my pouch full of beauty items. I brush my teeth, pop in my contacts, use one of the facial wipes to freshen up, reapply moisturizer then put on light makeup so I can face the day in a new city and not look like an ogre. Remember to pack all of these items in a large zip-lock bag in your carry on. They will make you take them out to go through security and it saves everyone time if you are prepared.

  • High Quality Headphones/Earbuds
  • Great Playlist(s)
  • A Good Book
  • 2 Snacks: One Salty and One Sweet 
*TSA now allows small electronic devices inflight so you can take along your iPod, iPad, Kindle or other device of your choice. Download some new tunes to check out inflight but also make a playlist of old favorites. I prefer slower relaxing music while in transit - it helps me stay calm and makes it easier to read and nap. Make sure your headphones or earbuds are comfortable and noise canceling if possible. You may have to drown out the sounds of a crying baby 2 rows back or a snoring passenger just beside you not to mention the constant announcements from the flight crew. A good book is just obvious. I allow one gossip magazine of the US weekly persuasion from time to time as well, but when push comes to shove, it's a waste of space.

 Now let's talk snacks. You will most likely get hungry during your flight, you will be trapped and locked into whatever package of "savory or sweet" inflight treats you are offered. Put a handful of almonds and a box of raisins (or whatever you like) in your bag and you will be prepared if the hunger monster stops by for a visit (If you're traveling internationally remember, no agricultural products).

3+ hour or international flight add-ons:
  • Passport
  • Sleep Mask
  • Leggings
  • Comfy Socks
  • Change of Undergarments
*Long-haul flights require a few extra amenities be packed. Try a sleep mask. People either love them or hate them. If you are not in either camp yet, give one a try because they make a world of difference!
Leggings and comfy socks are for mid flight. Either wear them onto the flight or change into them once you are in the air. You better believe you are going to want them when you are ready to get as comfortable as a 757 will allow at 30,000 feet.

The change of undergarments is just in case you wind up trapped in an airport due to a missed connection or if your luggage is lost. These are not situations you want to find yourself in unprepared! 

Additional Travel Tips: 
  • BYOB: Those airplane bottles/minis they sell do have a purpose. While mixed drinks inflight can cost anywhere from $8 to $15 there is another way to enjoy an adult beverage and keep from breaking the bank. Ask the flight attendant for a soda (which is already included with the cost of your airline ticket), drop in your own libations and voila - you're a jetsetting, party girl on a budget! #balleronabudget Have a safe, fun flight & drink responsibly! 
  • If you are traveling internationally be advised that in the US you are allowed 4oz of liquid and most travel bottles are made this size. In Europe, you are only allowed 100mL of liquid which is less than 4oz (3.38oz to be exact). This is a big pain in the rear. I had my 4oz travel bottle of contact solution confiscated once when traveling home from Europe.  And the bottle being already used and half empty will not suffice, I already tried that.
  • Check out the amenities at the airports you will be passing through online before you travel. You will find hidden gems at each airport if you do your research in advance. I had the most amazing pancakes at a Wolfgang Puck restaurant in London Heathrow airport once. In Munich, I found a lounge area called NapCabs. It is a public sleeping area with charging stations for your electronic items and comfy chairs. You never know what you might find, so check in advance to see if there is something you should not miss. 

Safe Travels and Bon Voyage!!

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