Thursday, January 16, 2014

The best part of being back in the USA: FOOD!

I can not stop eating. There are so many foods from home that I have not had the privilege of tasting for far too long. Here is my list, in no particular order, of Southern American goodies of which I have been deprived during my 3 years overseas:  
  1. Krispy Kreme Donuts - I found a small kiosk in a low-end airport outside of London that was selling Krispy Kremes for £8.00 for a box of six. That's about $13.00 for donuts. It was highway robbery but I paid it... they weren't even "HOT NOW".  Other than this one, price gouged, experience I have been without my favorite sugary treats for far too long!  Until yesterday when I ate 2 cream filled glazed Krispy Kremes then brushed the flaky sugar crumbs off of my lips and went in for a 3rd. #NoShame Additionally, did you know there is an app that tells you when nearby Krispy Kremes have their "HOT NOW" sign on? #ILoveYouAmerica
  2. Cheese Straws - This southern party staple with there subtle spice and crunchy goodness have not yet found a niche in the German market, much to my chagrin. While these are usually best when homemade, I have no idea how and have honestly never tried.  I came across a bag of them at Publix the other morning and they are just as good! Check out Mook Mills Cheese Straws if you need to get your fix! 
  3. Bar-B-Que - This post would be null and void without this inclusion. I once watched a History Channel presentation on the history of BBQ.  It was very informative and I highly suggest you look this up if interested. The bottom line: different parts of the country have different ways to do their "Que"! 'Round these parts, vinegar based, pork shoulder bar-b-que reigns supreme. And amongst the highly skilled butchers and smokers who produce this porky gold, Whitt's Bar-B-Que is king! My order: BBQ Sandwich with mayo only, small bag of plain Golden Flake chips, 1 pint of sweet tea. Which leads me to my next point:
  4. Sweet Tea -  It may just be brown (extremely) sugary water to outsiders, but for those of us indoctrinated to believe this is the only way to drink tea, it is one of life's little pleasures. Here's some simple math for y'all: Late Spring + Porch Sitting + Sweet Tea = Everything that is Good about the South
    *Photo credit to No.2 Pencil - find their sweet tea recipe here
  5.  Gravy & Biscuits - I can not even begin to describe my love affair with this food combination. And it hurts me to admit it but, I think Cracker Barrel comes about as close to perfection as one can in the gravy and biscuits department. Please don't tell me they pack it full of MSG or it comes from a can or something - I don't want to know, at least not this week -just let me enjoy it! Also, let's not mention this to my mother. A good southern woman's biscuits being second fiddle to a national restaurant chain is not news I need you to break to her, OK? 
  6. Holiday Dressing - NOBODY and I mean not anyone, anywhere, ever, makes dressing like my mother. She has this recipe that was my grandmother's and before that, it possibly came from Reader's Digest - we have no idea. It takes about 2 days to execute and results in a flavor that cannot be matched. And yes dressing as in turkey and dressing. If you think "stuffing" is the appropriate accessory for your holiday meal, well I understand that is what you were raised on and you just don't know any better, but you owe your taste buds more.  Stop by next Thanksgiving and let me prove to you that you've been living a lie! Mom made some and we had it as one of my first meals at home the other night - I missed the holidays this year (and the last 3 years) and therefore missed out on, what is probably, my favorite meal of the year (this redeems me from the statements made in #5 right?).
There's more, so much more but these items are on the top of my list. Close runners up include chess pie, Chick-Fil-A, deli sandwiches of all shapes, forms and fashions, iced sugar cookies and actual Mexican food. Basically I'm binging and will attempt to regain control next week. I'm giving myself a 5 pound allowance on this one. How often do you  move home from a foreign country after all? 

 I can't believe I took a break from eating to type all of that...

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