Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Weekly Wednesday Pickmeup

Wednesday is upon us again and that means it is time for some mid-week entertainment.  Grab a cup of coffee, enjoy the playlist I've created for you this week and check out this blog: Dream Green DIY. This DIY, Design and Lifestyle blogger offers up tons of cute projects and styling tips.  The imagery on her site is captivating; I love her color schemes! Good luck navigating away from her site - I was stuck there (happily) for quite some time! Happy Wednesday!



Sunday, January 26, 2014

This Kid is Awesome!

Today I'm going to let Kid President do all of the talking. He says it better than I could anyway!

I'm glad you're here and I'm glad Kid President is here too! Happy Sunday everyone!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Read This Post Before You Attempt to Purchase an Unlocked iPhone in the US

I moved home from Germany 5 days ago. I will be spending a few months in the States then I'm moving to Japan. I know the best option for me is an unlocked phone that I can move from one network to another as I travel around.  I thought this would be a simple enough problem to resolve. However, it seems that few mobile phone sales representatives in my area have any idea what to do in this situation. I started at the Apple store. They sent me to AT&T who sent me to T-Mobile, at T-mobile I was sent to Verizon, Verizon suggested I check with the Apple Store - I had gone full circle. I stopped at Target somewhere in there too, just to ensure that no one in my area had a solution for me. Frustrated, to say the least, I felt I should share the information I gathered with anyone who might possibly be looking to resolve a similar problem. The good news is that I have found a solution and so will you; Read on!


There are two major types of wireless voice technologies used globally: Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and Global System for Mobile communication (GSM). GSM is the standard in Europe. Japan is on CDMA. For other countries and regions of the world,  I have no idea but a quick Google search should provide an answer. In the United States we have a mix of both. Some US wireless networks such as Verizon and Sprint are on CDMA, while AT&T, T-Mobile and others are on GSM.  iPhones can be either CDMA or GSM compatible.  Apple does not produce a model that is both CDMA and GSM compatible (not in the US market at least). The CDMA iPhone and the GSM iPhone look the same and, for the average user, function exactly the same. The only noticeable difference between the two types of iPhones is their model number.  So you need to find out what type of technology you require and purchase the appropriate model. 

Wikipedia has a comprehensive list of US carriers detailing whether they are CDMA or GSM.

Click here for more information on iPhone Model Numbers. 

Purchasing an Unlocked iPhone

This is going to be expensive. You should expect to pay no less than $600 for the latest model. At the time of this writing I was quoted $712 for a 16GB iPhone 5s at Verizon or $699 for the same phone at the Apple Store. That being said, do your homework! The prices do vary based on promotional offers or excess stock or holiday weekend sales or whatever. On the day I checked at Verizon, they were selling the 5c and the 5s for the same price due to a promotion. However, both phones at Verizon were more expensive than they were at the Apple Store.

Not all wireless providers will sell an unlocked iPhone. Most will only sell the phone locked to their network. This means that unless you do some mid-level hacking (not recommended), you cannot take the phone off of their network. T-Mobile, Verizon and the Apple Store will sell the iPhone unlocked. Verizon requires that you are on their network for at least 7 days. This to me sounds like their way of locking you into a one month commitment to their service at a minimum.

WARNING: Beware of purchasing unlocked phones from 2nd party vendors. An iPhone that has been jail-broken and unlocked, AKA hacked, to allow it to leave it's original carrier's network may cause big problems down the line. They may have all sorts of glitches and quirks and you will unlikely be able to upgrade your software when a new version of iOS comes out. If you aren't particularly savvy with technology, you should avoid this route!

Contract Free Wireless Service

Once you have purchased your unlocked iPhone that operates on the voice technology you need (CDMA/GSM), you have one more problem to work out. Which US pay as you go service will you be selecting? There are several carriers that sell pay as you go SIM cards and credit refills at Target and other major retailers near you. If you have a GSM compatible, unlocked iPhone you can use the AT&T or T-Mobile options (beware of shockingly low data allowances!). CDMA folks, you'll be looking for other options.  Sprint has a program called "Sprint as you go" - this was not a great option for me as Sprint has spotty coverage in my area. Verizon does not have a pay as you go option that is worth your time. They have something listed online but it seems to be a daily rate. The representative in the store told me there was nothing compatible with the iPhone.  My father has a contract with Verizon and they offered to put me on his plan for $40/month with unlimited talk & text and 2GB of data. Since I have a phone that is unlocked, I have no commitment and can be dropped from the plan whenever I wish. Check with your friends and family to see if you can opt in to something like this temporarily.

Here you will find a list of CDMA carriers world wide.

And the GSM guys are here!

*Companies are known to switch technologies so these sites are subject to errors and changes.

More Good News

In many circumstances, buying an unlocked phone upfront will save you money in the long run. I did the math, if I had an individual plan with a 2 year contract I would pay about $90/month. For this I would receive the same service as I will receive with my unlocked phone piggy backing on my father's existing plan. I paid $599 for my phone and I will pay $40 per month for my service. If I was on this plan for 2 years I would spend $1559 in total. If I went the traditional route and paid $90/month for the service with the phone included for 2 years my total would be $2,160.  See what I did there? I just saved over $500! You can do it too! Plus you can have the freedom to leave the country, pick up a SIM card on the road and have mobile service throughout the world without being tied to a recurring monthly payment to a mobile provider back home.

"Fear commitment?" that's the marketing tagline they like to use to target people in our situation. How about "Are you a super cool, globe trotting, wanderlusting, nomad who deserves all the functionality of an iPhone even though you can't be counted on to stay in the same area code for long?" There are plenty of us out there and wireless providers are making this way too difficult to navigate. Until they get it together and help a "hopeless wanderer" out, I guess we have to rely on blog posts and internet research. Best of luck to you on your adventure into wireless contract liberation and global cellular mobility!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday Tunes

It's Wednesday. That's about the only thing there is to say about that. Here are some mid-week jams to keep you going!

Have questions about how to embed a Spotify playlist in your blog? Check out this post!

Friday, January 17, 2014

My Carry-On Travel Essentials

I was never a girl scout but I do pride myself on always being prepared. When it comes to airplane travel, I have a well rehearsed routine for packing my carry-on bag. Too much in your carry-on is a burden. Underpacking your carry-on can lead to spending unnecessary money in one of the airport shops because you either forgot something or you did not bring along enough stuff to keep you occupied.

This is my tried and true carry-on packing list:

Health and Beauty: 
  • Lip Balm/Chapstick
  • Moisturizer
  • Makeup Basics (foundation, blush, mascara)
  • Facial Wipes
  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste
  • Glasses/Contacts
*Keep it simple. Unless I am traveling for business purposes I generally board the flight with next to no make up on. The dry, recirculated air does strange things to make up and skin. Just before landing, I take a trip to the restroom with my pouch full of beauty items. I brush my teeth, pop in my contacts, use one of the facial wipes to freshen up, reapply moisturizer then put on light makeup so I can face the day in a new city and not look like an ogre. Remember to pack all of these items in a large zip-lock bag in your carry on. They will make you take them out to go through security and it saves everyone time if you are prepared.

  • High Quality Headphones/Earbuds
  • Great Playlist(s)
  • A Good Book
  • 2 Snacks: One Salty and One Sweet 
*TSA now allows small electronic devices inflight so you can take along your iPod, iPad, Kindle or other device of your choice. Download some new tunes to check out inflight but also make a playlist of old favorites. I prefer slower relaxing music while in transit - it helps me stay calm and makes it easier to read and nap. Make sure your headphones or earbuds are comfortable and noise canceling if possible. You may have to drown out the sounds of a crying baby 2 rows back or a snoring passenger just beside you not to mention the constant announcements from the flight crew. A good book is just obvious. I allow one gossip magazine of the US weekly persuasion from time to time as well, but when push comes to shove, it's a waste of space.

 Now let's talk snacks. You will most likely get hungry during your flight, you will be trapped and locked into whatever package of "savory or sweet" inflight treats you are offered. Put a handful of almonds and a box of raisins (or whatever you like) in your bag and you will be prepared if the hunger monster stops by for a visit (If you're traveling internationally remember, no agricultural products).

3+ hour or international flight add-ons:
  • Passport
  • Sleep Mask
  • Leggings
  • Comfy Socks
  • Change of Undergarments
*Long-haul flights require a few extra amenities be packed. Try a sleep mask. People either love them or hate them. If you are not in either camp yet, give one a try because they make a world of difference!
Leggings and comfy socks are for mid flight. Either wear them onto the flight or change into them once you are in the air. You better believe you are going to want them when you are ready to get as comfortable as a 757 will allow at 30,000 feet.

The change of undergarments is just in case you wind up trapped in an airport due to a missed connection or if your luggage is lost. These are not situations you want to find yourself in unprepared! 

Additional Travel Tips: 
  • BYOB: Those airplane bottles/minis they sell do have a purpose. While mixed drinks inflight can cost anywhere from $8 to $15 there is another way to enjoy an adult beverage and keep from breaking the bank. Ask the flight attendant for a soda (which is already included with the cost of your airline ticket), drop in your own libations and voila - you're a jetsetting, party girl on a budget! #balleronabudget Have a safe, fun flight & drink responsibly! 
  • If you are traveling internationally be advised that in the US you are allowed 4oz of liquid and most travel bottles are made this size. In Europe, you are only allowed 100mL of liquid which is less than 4oz (3.38oz to be exact). This is a big pain in the rear. I had my 4oz travel bottle of contact solution confiscated once when traveling home from Europe.  And the bottle being already used and half empty will not suffice, I already tried that.
  • Check out the amenities at the airports you will be passing through online before you travel. You will find hidden gems at each airport if you do your research in advance. I had the most amazing pancakes at a Wolfgang Puck restaurant in London Heathrow airport once. In Munich, I found a lounge area called NapCabs. It is a public sleeping area with charging stations for your electronic items and comfy chairs. You never know what you might find, so check in advance to see if there is something you should not miss. 

Safe Travels and Bon Voyage!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The best part of being back in the USA: FOOD!

I can not stop eating. There are so many foods from home that I have not had the privilege of tasting for far too long. Here is my list, in no particular order, of Southern American goodies of which I have been deprived during my 3 years overseas:  
  1. Krispy Kreme Donuts - I found a small kiosk in a low-end airport outside of London that was selling Krispy Kremes for £8.00 for a box of six. That's about $13.00 for donuts. It was highway robbery but I paid it... they weren't even "HOT NOW".  Other than this one, price gouged, experience I have been without my favorite sugary treats for far too long!  Until yesterday when I ate 2 cream filled glazed Krispy Kremes then brushed the flaky sugar crumbs off of my lips and went in for a 3rd. #NoShame Additionally, did you know there is an app that tells you when nearby Krispy Kremes have their "HOT NOW" sign on? #ILoveYouAmerica
  2. Cheese Straws - This southern party staple with there subtle spice and crunchy goodness have not yet found a niche in the German market, much to my chagrin. While these are usually best when homemade, I have no idea how and have honestly never tried.  I came across a bag of them at Publix the other morning and they are just as good! Check out Mook Mills Cheese Straws if you need to get your fix! 
  3. Bar-B-Que - This post would be null and void without this inclusion. I once watched a History Channel presentation on the history of BBQ.  It was very informative and I highly suggest you look this up if interested. The bottom line: different parts of the country have different ways to do their "Que"! 'Round these parts, vinegar based, pork shoulder bar-b-que reigns supreme. And amongst the highly skilled butchers and smokers who produce this porky gold, Whitt's Bar-B-Que is king! My order: BBQ Sandwich with mayo only, small bag of plain Golden Flake chips, 1 pint of sweet tea. Which leads me to my next point:
  4. Sweet Tea -  It may just be brown (extremely) sugary water to outsiders, but for those of us indoctrinated to believe this is the only way to drink tea, it is one of life's little pleasures. Here's some simple math for y'all: Late Spring + Porch Sitting + Sweet Tea = Everything that is Good about the South
    *Photo credit to No.2 Pencil - find their sweet tea recipe here
  5.  Gravy & Biscuits - I can not even begin to describe my love affair with this food combination. And it hurts me to admit it but, I think Cracker Barrel comes about as close to perfection as one can in the gravy and biscuits department. Please don't tell me they pack it full of MSG or it comes from a can or something - I don't want to know, at least not this week -just let me enjoy it! Also, let's not mention this to my mother. A good southern woman's biscuits being second fiddle to a national restaurant chain is not news I need you to break to her, OK? 
  6. Holiday Dressing - NOBODY and I mean not anyone, anywhere, ever, makes dressing like my mother. She has this recipe that was my grandmother's and before that, it possibly came from Reader's Digest - we have no idea. It takes about 2 days to execute and results in a flavor that cannot be matched. And yes dressing as in turkey and dressing. If you think "stuffing" is the appropriate accessory for your holiday meal, well I understand that is what you were raised on and you just don't know any better, but you owe your taste buds more.  Stop by next Thanksgiving and let me prove to you that you've been living a lie! Mom made some and we had it as one of my first meals at home the other night - I missed the holidays this year (and the last 3 years) and therefore missed out on, what is probably, my favorite meal of the year (this redeems me from the statements made in #5 right?).
There's more, so much more but these items are on the top of my list. Close runners up include chess pie, Chick-Fil-A, deli sandwiches of all shapes, forms and fashions, iced sugar cookies and actual Mexican food. Basically I'm binging and will attempt to regain control next week. I'm giving myself a 5 pound allowance on this one. How often do you  move home from a foreign country after all? 

 I can't believe I took a break from eating to type all of that...

I'm back...

I had great intentions when this blog was created of updating friends and family,  as well as internet trolls and voyers,  on my travels and adventures.  I successfully blogged for about 3 months of what would become a 3 year chapter in my life. I suppose at about the 3 month mark it stopped being a trip for me and started being my life. I got busy, my social life kicked into full swing, I was working more, traveling more, spending more time drinking wine and having coffee with friends. Blogging just fell by the wayside. You guys missed a lot in my life as I missed much in yours. I forgot to blog about some really important people and places. I did some extensive traveling throughout Europe of course, but more importantly I found out a lot about myself and grew a great deal.

Blogging served a great role for me at the beginning. It kept me from having to tell the same story over and over to different friends and family. I could just direct everyone to my blog for details of my latest adventure. In hindsight, I wish I was able to keep it up. You see, I hate the phone. Making phone calls for me is like taking a trip to the dentist, I just really do not want to. If I can minimize that in my life, I will. And I have (maybe too much). My aversion to phone calls and the fact that I moved myself 5,000 miles away has really estranged me from friends and family back home. Actually, I haven't even had a phone for the last year. Though a bit frustrating at times, it's been very liberating.

So now I'm back in the US. My employment contract ended and I moved home. I have no car, no phone, I'm staying with mom and dad, my life is slowly arriving by mail (18 boxes are en route).  I'm in my hometown where I know very few people (read: I know a lot of people but more in the way that I get their updates on Facebook though I have not had an actual conversation with them in quite some time). I'm just temporarily here though. I'm home for a few months then moving to Japan (don't act so shocked, you knew I was bound to do something crazy). I'm in a transitional phase. 

So that's my life in a nutshell right now. I've decided to blog a little while I have the time. I'm constantly thinking "I should blog that" so now I guess I will.