Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I made it!

It's been a journey but I'm finally in Germany. I had to come a day late thanks to the freak "Snow Storm" in the Southeast, I endured a few flight delays from Delta (as is usual in Atlanta), arrived in Munich where, for a moment or two, I thought my luggage had been lost (turns out the plane's cargo door had frozen shut and they couldn't get it open), finally got my luggage, found my ride and traveled by car to Garmisch. What a long 48 or so hours it has been! and it's only 3:00pm here! I will sleep well tonight, that's for sure!

It's beautiful and SO snowy - as expected! See the below picture from my bedroom window! I'll give a much more detailed update later when I have energy and a functioning brain!


  1. Yea!! So glad you made it safe and sound!!! When do you start work?

  2. so glad you made it safe and sound! get some rest and start exploring! i can't wait for all the updates!

  3. OHmyGOODNESS, how breath-taking! Glad that your travels were safe, can't wait to read more!
